Ginkosynthese / Workshop ***sold out***


Pick one from 3 modules /// DIY Level: Easy to advanced /// Prices: 65 to 70€

Seeds (Easy / 65€) is a powerful 8 bit synth voice that gives you a lot of different sounds in a small package! The sounds range from razor sharp FM basslines to Commodore style bleebs and from soft flutes to nasty noises.

EZSQ (Medium / 65€) is a basic 8 step sequencer, but you can not have a modular synth without these building blocks!

Phono Pre-Amp (Advanced / 70€) Directly insert your record player into your Eurorack setup. The phono amp stage is equiped with RIAA equalization. The module is build with high quality, low-noise opamps and the famous WIMA caps.

After registration, please contact this email adress and let Jan Willem know which module you want to build:

We'll have soldering irons, but if you have your own tools and soldering iron, feel free to bring it.

The price above is the final price minus the 30€ workshop ticket (price minus 30€ = rest payment).

Here you can already download a PDF manual which you can either have on your phones or printed with you:

Important General Info:

  • To enter the workshop you need both:

a) Superbooth ticket for the day of the workshop plus

b) the workshop ticket itself!

  • The workshop ticket covers the advance payment for the workshop, please bring your printed workshop ticket plus Superbooth ticket and enough cash to pay the rest payment here in the workshop area. (We possibly won't have small change and no online payment possibilities!)
  • We generally have some middle class soldering irons but not too many tools. If you have own stuff, bring it please!
  • Do not forget your eye glasses if you need it for soldering.
  • If you generally need recommendations for DIY tools, check this

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