DIY Workshop Erica Synths & Moritz Klein ******SOLD OUT******


MKI x ES Labor - Circuit Design Workshop

Electronics & circuit design basics workshop /// DIY Level: Beginners /// Price: 80€ (Labor kit not included)

This is an electronics & circuit design basics workshop using the Labor, our new circuit prototyping board. It's aimed at complete beginners. We'll set up very simple circuits (oscillator, filter, volume dial, distortion etc.) and talk about the theory behind them. Every participant gets a Labor & component kit to experiment with, but it's not included in the price - you have to give it back at the end. You can possibly buy it off after the workshop, but we don't know the price yet!

MKI x ES Labor gets you started in circuit design. Developed in collaboration with Dr. Shalom D. Ruben, teaching professor for engineering at the University of Colorado, Labor is a fully-featured circuit design playground and a powerful electronics learning tool, all in one. Create your own filters, oscillators, envelopes, sequencers – and whatever else you can come up with. Or use it to learn the basics by following along with our series of educational DIY kits.


Labor features:
• an integrated dual power supply producing eurorack-compatible voltages, with built-in over current protection for safe experimenting
• a modular interfacing section with 16 slots for potentiometers, jacks & switches
• a pulse/triangle/sine oscillator (audio & LFO range)
• a multi mode envelope generator controlled by a premium push button
• a buffered variable control voltage source
• an output amplifier with variable gain
• a dedicated headphone output and a line-level output for recording, processing or analysing the signal
• an expansion slot for installing specialized prototyping tools

No soldering involved, all is done on breadboard-basis. If you have further questions you can contact

The prices above are the final prices minus the 30€ workshop ticket (price minus 30€ = rest payment).


Shalom is a teaching professor for engineering at the University of Colorado ( Bio from the university of Colorado page: "Dr. Ruben is interested in control and system theory. His focus is in design, modeling, control, and application of optimization in mechatronic systems. In addition he is exploring using GPUs for fast embedded numerical implementation of optimization solvers, control algorithms, and computer vision algorithms needed to attain solutions in real-time. Dr. Ruben is especially interested in using robotics, art, and music as a mechanism for technology education. Science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) educational outreach in K-12 education is a passion of Dr. Ruben's.“

Important General Info:

To enter the workshop you need both:

   a) Superbooth ticket for the day of the workshop plus
   b) the workshop ticket itself! Available HERE in our ticket shop

The workshop ticket covers the advance payment for the workshop, please bring your printed workshop ticket plus Superbooth ticket and enough cash to pay the rest payment here in the workshop area. (We possibly won't have small change and no online payment possibilities!)

We generally have some middle class soldering irons and tools. If you have own stuff, you can bring it if you like!

Do not forget your eye glasses if you need them for soldering.

If you need general recommendations for DIY tools, check this

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