Go Out And Play


A film by Philip Morris and Jérémie Pujau

In 2013, Salon Bruit e.V. and Audition Records organised a series of concerts by female artists from the experimental scene in the cinema of an ex-squat in Berlin. Each concert was filmed and released online (auditionrecords.com/quota.php), accompanied by an interview with the artist, as a means of offering a partial, but necessary, insight into an extremely dynamic scene for which documentation is lamentably sparse.

It is from this heterogeneous material that the film blends the narratives of this group of women and charts their musical journey through their individual experiences and challenges, which led them to Berlin to embrace a scene which offers them little chance of financial reward or mainstream success.

Echoing the way its protagonists conceive their music, this experimental documentary, through radical aesthetic choices, also gives insight into their unique approach to creating and performing in a genre that eludes the dominant musical rules and structures.

Liz Allbee
Charly Birkenhauer
Alexandra Cárdenas
Audrey Chen
Anat Cohavi
Anna Friz
Felicity Mangan
Andrea Neumann
Abigail Sanders
Heidrun Schramm
Anaïs Tuerlinckx
Els Vandeweyer
Sabine Vogel
Antje Vowinckel
Roberta WJM
Ute Wassermann
Marta Zapparoli
JD Zazie

Camera: Boris Balay
Kasia Justka
Philip Morris
Yoann Trellu
Jérémie Pujau

Sound: Philip Morris

Editing: Philip Morris
Jérémie Pujau

Grading: Jérémie Pujau

Graphics: Valentina Scotti

Thanks to all the musicians, Lichtblick Kino, Julian Bonequi, Seamus O'Donnell and Mandy Okereke

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