Never Sol


Never Sol is the alias of Sara Vondraskova- musician, composer and producer based in Prague, Czech Republic. In her musical practise she is now mainly interested in combining vocal with synthesizers. Searching for deconstruction in forms, driven and inspired by rough noisy sharp sounds with dark harsh drone elements, she is exploring the relationship between fragility and massiveness of sound and finds time and work with time as the crucial element and lynchpin when creating an emotional context and environment for the listener.

As Never Sol, she creates melancholic compositions that are based on layered synth soundscapes, dark melodies shrouded in tons of reverb with thick yet delicate vocals. Melting in drone surfaces but cutting deep with distorted and noisy elements . A strong connection to songwriting, intricate chord progressions, synths and voice are the cornerstones of her musical output. In the past year she started performing and improvising live with modular synthesizer which helps her disintegrate and refresh her classical songwriting approach.




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